GST : 03CMIPS4319E1Z6

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Rolling Mill Machinery

The Rolling Mill Machinery is used to reduce width and boost the hardness of the metal. It has uniform thickness and is made with the process of hot rolling. When it comes to usage, the said machine can process more tonnage in comparison to other production process. Its processing capacity is extremely high and has no functional errors. Offered Rolling Mill Machinery has the capacity to straighten as well as alter the dimension of slabs, sheet metal or metal bars. It can also be used to add texture as well as shape to different metals.
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Automatic Cooling Bed

Price: 8000000 INR/Piece

Our company is engaged in offering supreme quality Automatic Cooling Bed that is primarily used for purpose of uniform air-cooling of TMT bars and transporting the same in a phased manner. This transporting is done from the entry of the cooling bed to discharge side.

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Twin Channel

Price: 3000000 INR/Set

The unique design and latest technology implementation makes the twin channels capable of guiding the discharge of the rods from dividing shear.

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Continuous Rotating Shear

Price: 650000.00 INR

The Start Stop Flying Shear can cut up to 18m/s with the standard DC motors. The Solutions lies in installing High Speed Continuous Rotating Shear with regenerative Tail Breaking Pinch rolls.

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Roller Guide Box

Price: 20000 INR

Roller guide box finds applications in continuous rolling operations in which the stock that is being rolled is properly twisted between each two adjacent rollers in rolling mills. The roller guide boxes have simple design which ensures durability standards, easy installation and smooth operation in diverse rolling conditions.


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